Group Treasurer vs. Global Treasurer – What’s the Difference?

Many treasury professionals participate in our Treasury Salary Survey, providing insights into salaries across all levels—from entry-level roles right up to Group and Global Treasurers.

Understanding the Key Differences

One of the most common questions we get is: What’s the difference between a Group Treasurer and a Global Treasurer?

The answer comes down to scope and scale:

Group Treasurer – Typically oversees treasury for a domestic or regional business. For example, I’ve worked with Group Treasurers in UK-based housing associations whose teams are smaller and focused on local operations.

Global Treasurer – Leads large treasury teams across multiple regions or continents. Imagine managing treasury for a multinational with 80+ treasury professionals across five continents—that’s a different level of responsibility.

Why We Now Separate These Roles in Our Survey

Historically, some professionals listed themselves as “Treasurer,” but upon validation, they were more aligned with a Treasury Director role. This is why we now distinguish between Group and Global Treasurers in our salary survey.

Salary Benchmarks for Group vs. Global Treasurers

We’ve collected real-world salary data from treasury professionals across industries and regions. Below, you’ll find a breakdown of typical salaries for Group Treasurers vs. Global Treasurers.

If you’re a senior treasury professional looking for your next move, or if you’re hiring for a senior role, get in touch—we’re happy to help!

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