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How to write a resignation letter

Very few people stay in one job for life. This means at some point during your career, you’ll probably need to write a letter of resignation.

There could be several reasons you wish to leave your current role.

You might be unhappy in your position, found a better paying job, be launching your own business or you could just be ready for a fresh challenge with a different company.

The current cost of living crisis means more and more people are now looking to boost their income or increase their salary.

While resigning might sound as simple as letting your manager know and working your notice period, writing a professional resignation letter is incredibly important.

Not only does it show respect for your employer, but it also means you’re more likely to leave with a good reputation, which can be invaluable further down the line when you might need a reference or recommendation.

Here are my top tips for writing one:

How to start a resignation letter

When you’re telling your boss why you want to leave the company, it can be difficult to know where to begin.

The last thing you want to do is upset them, or for your words to be taken the wrong way.

The best way to start is by addressing them by their name and clearly outline your intention to leave the company, explain why and give your proposed leaving date.

What to write in a resignation letter

When it comes to writing a resignation letter, you should remember to keep it friendly and professional.

You may have had aspects of your job you hated or frustrated the hell out of you. They might even be the reason you’re leaving.

But your resignation letter isn’t the place to air these grievances or moan about all the things you didn’t like about the role.

It will make you look unprofessional, a bit petty and probably won’t do much to maintain a positive relationship, which in turn is unlikely to do you any favours in the long run.

Instead, focus on the good things. Thank them for the help they have given you, the support they’ve shown you and the skills they’ve taught you.

Tell them how they have helped you develop as a person, both professionally and personally.

Resignation letter template

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of resignation letter templates online that give a rough outline of what you might want to say.

Most of them are even free to download, but obviously don’t just print it off and hand it in!

You’ll still need to adapt it, change the wording and tailor it to your position and your time with the company.

However, a template can be a good starting point if your mind goes blank and you need some inspiration.

Here’s a simple one for you to use and make your own, including reference to your notice period and final working day:

Dear ,

Please accept this letter as formal resignation from the position of with . In accordance with my notice period, my final day will be .

I would like to take this chance to thank you for the opportunity to have worked in the position for the past . I have learned a great deal during my time here and have enjoyed collaborating with my colleagues. I will take a lot of what I have learned with me in my career and will look back at my time here as a valuable period of my professional life.

During the next I will do what I can to make the transition as smooth as possible and will support in whatever way I can to hand over my duties to colleagues or to my replacement. Please let me know if there is anything additional I can do to assist in this process.


How do I hand in my notice?

In my opinion, it’s always more personal and polite to inform your employer of your intention to resign and give face-to-face notice first, then follow that up with a notice letter.

Whatever you do, don’t quit over email. It’s impersonal and will probably come off as being disrespectful. It’s a bit like dumping a long-term partner over text.

How to deal with a counteroffer when resigning

If you’ve been with the company a long time and they value you, they may offer you more money or a promotion to try and tempt you to stay when you hand in your letter of notice.

It can be a difficult situation to be in, particularly if you weren’t expecting it. It can also be flattering when your employer is pulling out the stops to keep you.

However, it’s important to remain calm, keep a clear head and not give in.

Unless your decision to resign was solely around money, the original reason for you handing your notice in will probably still be there.

In fact, research from Hire (Formally RecruiterBox) show that 80 to 90 per cent of people who accept a counteroffer end up leaving within six months due to the same issues arising.

So, to conclude, remember your reasons for wanting to leave, stick to your decision and politely decline the offer.

If you’re leaving for a new challenge at a different company, you could say something like ‘thank you, I’m flattered, but I feel this is an opportunity I can’t turn down’.

That way you are still showing gratitude but also sticking to your guns.

So, there you have it. My top tips for how to write a professional treasury resignation letter that you will be proud of, and that your employer will respect.

Thanks again for reading and I’d be delighted to hear your thoughts. Until next time!