Rogues Gallery AKA the “worst LinkedIn photos we have seen”

Do you need to change your LinkedIn photo?

My posting today has a constructive message with a bit of fun thrown in!

I spoke to at the Chicago Treasurers Conference about this and one of the main topics of my session was about what we see as the key fundamentals to a successful LinkedIn profile?

The major one is your LinkedIn PHOTO.

You may be aware that you are 11x more likely to successfully create a business connection if you have good photo on your profile rather than the greyed-out clone image!

Further recommendations from the session included avoiding holiday pictures in the bar, selfies, pictures of famous landmarks! Yes we have seen them all!

This led to the creation of our own Rogues Gallery that aren’t past LinkedIn photos of me rather they are reconstructions of some of the strangest, most inappropriate and often downright crazy photos we have encountered throughout The Treasury Recruitment Company LinkedIn journey.

Click to see our top ten worst in typical count down fashion;

Very pretty but why? Oh why? You are not a bunch of flowers!

Really!!! Everyone’s got a phone! No you don’t look cool! You like you’ve just escaped from court! You are Gordon Gecko from Wall Street.

You are not a logo. How long does it take to find one photo of you at work and upload it? 10 seconds via your phone?

So many Selfies! Get over your embarrassment, ask a friend or colleague to take a quick pic. Also we know the view from up high in a selfie gets rid of your chin but it’s not as bad as a poorly shot selfie.

OK you’ve taken a photo. It looks good, it’s professional. NOW Upload it to your profile – DONE. LOG OFF – NOOOOOO! Check it and see what it looks like on your PC we see probably one squashe or stretched face shot per day on our LinkedIn adventures.

Look into my eyes, not away from the eyes and you are under! Now you will; CONNECT WITH ME NOW AND GIVE ME ALL TREASURY ROLES You’re back in the room.

Cute kid but please keep it professional! He’s not you and he’s not looking for his next job maybe you are what impression does this give us about you?
Lovely family man but doesn’t take networking seriously.

So your shirt and fashion sense whilst on holiday is all in the worst possible taste. Do I really want to see a picture of you chugging another pint?

Lovely mascara but is that all you are an eye???

Creepy, horror film look, mmm nice Adam’s apple! I kid you not these are genuine recreations of some of the worst disasters that are haunting the world of LinkedIn.


As always I want to help you secure your next position.
Please call me, I am happy to give my advice especially about LinkedIn whenever needed!

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