We make recruitment simple, break down treasury industry trends, and share clear, actionable advice for both job-seekers and employers alike.
Explore articles on candidate tips, employer strategies, and insights to help you stay ahead.
1 October 2020
I have an aversion to the Personal Statement that so many people love at the beginning of their CV’s / resumes! Allow me to explain why! I often read phrases like ‘I am an enthusiastic, keen, motivated employee and every [...]
23 September 2020
Hiring is critical to every company’s future and with 73% of CEOs citing skills shortages at crisis levels, organisations can no longer expect talent to come to them. Gone are the days of simply posting a job advert and waiting [...]
22 September 2020
So there you are, sitting in your 6 month performance review and your manager asks you "what are your career objectives for the next 12 months?" Oh!? - you think. Well, I wasn't really planning that far ahead. Even if [...]
16 September 2020
We’re bringing you something a little different in this episode of the Treasury Career Corner podcast, where I interview our very own Craig Martin about the current state of the US Treasury recruitment market. It’s more of a quick-fire interview [...]
12 September 2020
Today’s treasury demands a whole new set of skills alongside the traditional ones. How do you build a strategic treasury? What are the key characteristics you should look for in new hires and existing team members? How does the best [...]
11 September 2020
Recently we hired some guys who are new to the world of treasury and they wanted to understand as quickly as possible the world of corporate treasury and treasury recruitment. The first thing I did was to give them a [...]
10 September 2020
To help our clients, attract treasury staff we often support them in evaluating and generally rewriting their Job Descriptions. We encounter three major mistakes in the Job Descriptions that we receive. They are; forgetting your target audience making it a [...]
10 September 2020
I originally titled this article as “Writing the Perfect Job Description” but I had the niggling feeling I get when I know something is wrong. I call it the itch at the “back of my head” moment. Why? Because I [...]
9 September 2020
Over the past 18 years, I have seen the world of recruitment change beyond belief! Today, I find it hard to imagine that I even knew a life before LinkedIn and question how I ever managed to do my job [...]
7 September 2020
Client demand for more flexible solutions to manpower staffing issues has increased rapidly over the past few years as many treasurers have had a difficult time convincing CFOs to commit resource to permanent recruitment solutions. The downside of this has [...]
1 September 2020
I am often asked if CFOs are looking to recruit Treasurers that are more technically qualified. I'm also asked if qualified accountants are also qualified Treasurers by default, and if I'm seeing a rise in demand for qualifications. I'm not [...]
18 August 2020
September – you’re back from your holidays, you sit at your desk and ask yourself the question “Am I still happy in my role?” Maybe you decide that you don’t want to actively seek a new role, but if a [...]
7 July 2020
My recommendations for those seeking their next position or recruiting via LinkedIn and some Do’s and Don’ts from my experience. Contrary to what you might think, we have always viewed LinkedIn as a recruiter’s friend. I previously attended a recruitment [...]
25 June 2020
The topic of gender in the workplace has dominated the headlines over the last couple of years, including #MeToo and the row over equal pay at the BBC. This has made many businesses and organisations take a long hard look [...]
18 June 2020
At The Treasury Recruitment Company, the questions we get asked more than any other relate to compensation / salary: What should my salary be? Do you think my total remuneration package is competitive? How should I get a pay rise? [...]
29 May 2020
In recent years one of the biggest news stories in the banking sector, was the TSB IT crisis where many customers were unable to access their accounts for several weeks, leaving customers enraged and struggling to access funds for day [...]
13 May 2020
Some enlightening facts and figures to start us off……… when it comes to CVs and getting yours noticed by a potential employer. Updated figures say that recruiters spend on average 5-7 seconds looking at a CV…. First applications are received [...]
22 April 2020
Just a quick note before you get started… We know this post is a long one, however this is because we have got some exciting news and updates for you, and there is a ton of valuable content headed your [...]
24 March 2020
Unless otherwise stated, if applying for a job within the European Union or the USA - you must ensure that you are already authorised to work there. EUROPE Do you need a Visa to work in the European Economic Area [...]
10 March 2020
Job hunting can be a daunting experience if you have never done it before. Whether it’s for your first treasury role or you are looking to move from one company to another, the experience may not be a comfortable one. [...]
20 February 2020
We were thrilled to be recruiting for one of the biggest and most recognised names in luxury fashion in New York, but it was not easy! Like many other high-profile businesses, when it comes to attracting talent there is limited [...]
11 February 2020
If you are going to copy your Resume to loads of treasury recruiters and say “Dear Everyone, I am looking for a new role, blah, blah, blah” then PLEASE DO NOT COPY US IN! This says to us that you [...]
4 February 2020
Adopting an intelligent interview strategy during any hiring process is critical to success. Here is an example where one of our clients got it very wrong and nearly lost out on their perfect candidate! We have recently been recruiting for [...]
4 February 2020
I spoke at the Chicago Treasurers Conference, my third US speaking session in recent years, talking about the US Treasury Recruitment market. Since reopening our US office in 2012, I have discovered some major differences compared to the UK and [...]
9 January 2020
Our CEO and founder, Mike Richards has sat down with Arturo from Kantox, to discuss how treasury roles are changing, whether automation will replace treasurers and more... Arturo: Are treasury roles becoming more strategic? Mike: I often hear this phrase [...]
6 January 2020
It’s hard to believe that not so long ago it would be more common than not for people to work for one company their entire careers – from the day they left school, to the day they retired. Today, that [...]
5 March 2018
Looking for some treasury recruitment advice? In this video, I give my top tips about what to do when you are actually there in the interview itself. It can be a nerve-racking, but with the right practice and advice you [...]