We make recruitment simple, break down treasury industry trends, and share clear, actionable advice for both job-seekers and employers alike.
Explore articles on candidate tips, employer strategies, and insights to help you stay ahead.
5 August 2020
The role of treasury has become increasingly demanding over recent years, with the rise of globalisation, the onslaught of new treasury technologies, the pressures of regulations and compliance, and not to mention the more strategic role treasury is now playing [...]
17 July 2020
As a global treasury recruiter with over 20 years of experience, I have often heard about the "Global Recruitment Pipeline". This pipeline is supposed to allow globally mobile candidates to showcase their skills and talents on a global financial recruitment [...]
16 July 2020
Mike Richards, CEO and founder of the Treasury Recruitment Co, discusses the current state of the recruitment market, the impacts of technology on treasurers’ roles, and why promoting knowledge is so important to career development. Mike Richards, CEO and founder [...]
7 July 2020
My recommendations for those seeking their next position or recruiting via LinkedIn and some Do’s and Don’ts from my experience. Contrary to what you might think, we have always viewed LinkedIn as a recruiter’s friend. I previously attended a recruitment [...]
25 June 2020
The topic of gender in the workplace has dominated the headlines over the last couple of years, including #MeToo and the row over equal pay at the BBC. This has made many businesses and organisations take a long hard look [...]
18 June 2020
At The Treasury Recruitment Company, the questions we get asked more than any other relate to compensation / salary: What should my salary be? Do you think my total remuneration package is competitive? How should I get a pay rise? [...]
29 May 2020
In recent years one of the biggest news stories in the banking sector, was the TSB IT crisis where many customers were unable to access their accounts for several weeks, leaving customers enraged and struggling to access funds for day [...]
13 May 2020
Some enlightening facts and figures to start us off……… when it comes to CVs and getting yours noticed by a potential employer. Updated figures say that recruiters spend on average 5-7 seconds looking at a CV…. First applications are received [...]
22 April 2020
Just a quick note before you get started… We know this post is a long one, however this is because we have got some exciting news and updates for you, and there is a ton of valuable content headed your [...]
24 March 2020
Unless otherwise stated, if applying for a job within the European Union or the USA - you must ensure that you are already authorised to work there. EUROPE Do you need a Visa to work in the European Economic Area [...]
10 March 2020
Job hunting can be a daunting experience if you have never done it before. Whether it’s for your first treasury role or you are looking to move from one company to another, the experience may not be a comfortable one. [...]
20 February 2020
We were thrilled to be recruiting for one of the biggest and most recognised names in luxury fashion in New York, but it was not easy! Like many other high-profile businesses, when it comes to attracting talent there is limited [...]
30 October 2017
What Do Treasury Candidates Want? The current political and economic landscape has created a certain amount of trepidation amongst treasury candidates. Let’s face it, treasury professionals prefer certainty, they like to manage risk, not put themselves at risk! For this [...]
1 February 2017
In 2016 my goal was to meet and talk to as many international Treasury professionals as possible and so I decided to embark on an International tour which I called the “It’s All About You!” Roadshow. The Roadshow started at [...]
11 November 2015
I am often asked what key skills do CFO’s and Finance Directors look for when they are recruiting a Group Treasurer? As their recruiter they must be the same thing? Actually no – they are not the same. When I [...]
11 November 2015
This is a follow-up article to "Will Resigning Now Help You Secure A New Role Sooner". We were asked by one of our candidates whether she should resign sooner rather than later? In the article "Will Resigning Now Help You [...]
9 October 2015
OK so Einstein didn’t say that the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result” but many of our clients seem to follow this rule despite us trying to coach them otherwise! [...]